------------------------------------------------------------------------ INFERNAL ELVISMAN- BY: MUTANTBUNNY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title: Infernal Elvisman Bsp name: mbdm2.bsp Authour: MutantBunny E-Mail: Wh40krocksass@hotmail.com Players: 2-4 Editor used: Worldcraft 1.6 Textfile: Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Designers note: The first thought when designing "Infernal Elvisman" was to create a map where you drop down through a loong pipe with platforms holding weapons scattered around it, but when I actually started building I somehow managed to create something compleatly different, well there are still the teleports going from the bottom to the top of the level, but they are more like a fast escape rout rather than a way to transport yourself really fast somewhere scince it is really hard to keep track of where you will land when using them. Anyway I found this level pretty fun to play with my friends. It is pretty small and tight makin the quad-rocketlauncher combination just as dangerous for yourself as for anyone else. Note: I tried playing this level with bots but they didn't really understand what the hell was going on so I just won with 25-0 after 15 minutes. I would make a a bot rout file but i don't have the skilz Anyone who is interested in making one please contact me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to: Tompa[No:Pain] Tubal For paytesting Romeo[No:Pain] for playtesting and creative ideas Myself for playtesting and helping out with editor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------