==================================================================== Title : Main Core BSP Name : mcore.bsp Release Date : 27.09.00 Author : Kornel [QurneL] Paszkowski Email Address : qurnel@promail.pl Website : http://shell.mt.pl/qurnel/ ICQ number : 76576985 Bsp File Size : 696 kb Description : Medium deathmatch level with some rooms connected with other by corridors, teleports and lifts. All has been made in base style. Thanks to : Degradator, Lee, Saigon, Dobler, Klucha, Kruchy, Hrabia, Error, Billy, Cromwell, Jara, Edi, Greg, RxR, Bruno, GrindSpire and anyone I forgot Thanks for textures : Headshot, Ikka Fingers, Bal ID Software Thanks for testing : Qalek, Feedy, MisYu, Syra, Diablo, Muzzy ===================================================================== PLAY INFORMATION ===================================================================== Game : Quake Single Player : Just to take a look around ;) Deathmatch : Sure, best for 2 players New Textures : Yep Dm Spawns : 6 ===================================================================== CONSTRUCTION ===================================================================== Base : From scratch Construction Time : Two Week Build Time : About 5 minutes Editor used : WorldCraft Other programs : TexMex, Photoshop 3.0, Win95 :) ===================================================================== MY OTHER / OLD MAPS ===================================================================== 01. - castle.bsp "Castle" 02. - place.bsp "Place" 03. - gateway.bsp "Gateway" 04. - vertigo.bsp "Vertigo" 05. - house.bsp "Slaughter-House" 06. - house2.bsp "Slaughter-House 2" 07. - kingdom.bsp "Kingdom" 08. - slimy.bsp "Slimy Place" 09. - mine.bsp "Mine" 10. - frag.bsp "Frag" 11. - tbase.bsp "Tiny Base" 12. - omf.bsp "One Must Fall" 13. - fcastle.bsp "Forgotten Castle" ====================================================================== COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS ====================================================================== Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. =======================================================================