================================================================ Title : Post Haste ================================================================ BSP Name : nek_dm1.bsp Author : Paul "Nekroe" McClintock Release Date : June 17th 2001 Email Address : nekroe@scumm.net ICQ number : 45200275 Author Home Page : www.scumm.net/nekroe File size : 236 kb Description : Tiny deathmatch level designed for 1 on 1 duel. My first released map of any kind. 'Post Haste', coz it was done quick. Author Info : 17 yr old loser, entering the Quake 1 mapping scene a little late... By the same author : A bunch of unreleased crap. Future releases : Nekromancer PC, Several SP/DM maps in the pipeline Additional Thanks to : *Matthew Ayres for Qoole. I used WinQoole 2.5 for this, for some reason I like using it more than Qoole 99, or Worldcraft. *Id Software, duh... Other stuff : I may modify this map later, coz it sucks! I guess if I re-release it, the filename would be 'nek_dm1b' or something... ================================================================ * Map Information * ================================================================ Game : Quake Single Player : No Cooperative : No. There are no coop starting points Deathmatch : Yes, designed for 2 players... very small R_speeds : Very low Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Textures - Hexen2: sky001 Rogue: metal9_3, the rest are id textures. New Music : Huh? No! Demos Supplied : No. Texture Wad used : Quake, Hexen2, Rogue ================================================================ * Construction * ================================================================ Base : New level from scratch Solids : 203 brushes Faces : 1376 brushfaces Construction Time : Around half an hour. Build programs : Qbsp, Tyrlite, Vis [Modified but I can't remember who by] Build Time : About 2 and a half minutes QBSP Time : 5.0 seconds Light (-extra) Time : 4.0 seconds VIS (-level 4) Time : 123.0 seconds Compile machine : P2 350mhz, 64mg RAM Editor used : WinQoole 2.5 Other programs : Notepad Known Bugs : It's TOO SMALL! ================================================================ * Installation and Playing * ================================================================ - Copy "nek_dm1.bsp" to "id1\maps\nek_dm1.bsp" - Run Quake, WinQuake, GlQuake or whatever... - Bring up the console - Type "map nek_dm1" (without the quotes) and press enter... ================================================================ * Where to find this Map * ================================================================ Should be on: www.scumm.net/nekroe/files/nek_dm1.zip and hopefully it will be on: ftp.cdrom.com, and other such sites. ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * ================================================================ All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners. You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission of me, the author [By the way, you probably won't get it]. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.