================================================================ Title : Asylum Filename : nindm2.bsp Date of Release : October 12, 1998 Author : Grant Creasey Nick : Ninja Email Address : ninja@axg.net : nin@nw.com.au Website : Working on it Description : medium sized level for deathmatch inspired by ztn's : very nice map ztndm6 'The Vomitorium' ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : yes, 10 respawns Player Load : 2-6 Difficulty Settings : No Custom Textures : yes (used with the authors permission) : zmet01a, zmet02a, zmet03a by : Sten Uusvali, e-mail: ztn@terrafusion.com : dlight_1, dlight_10, head_mt8, head_mt9, platbut1 by : Dennis Kaltwasser, e-mail: headshot@terrafusion.com ================================================================ * Construction * Editor(s) used : WorldCraft Credits : Thanks to ztn and headshot for all there help and : advice : : Also, thanks to all the people who helped playtest : the map and to all the servers out there who run it ================================================================ You may distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. Copyright (c) 1998 Grant Creasey. All rights reserved. ================================================================