10/4 1999 noc1.zip 268 Kb ================================================== Title : Zarathustra Filename : noc1.bsp (265Kb) Author : Nocturnal Email Address : nespalir@hem.passagen.se Homepage : working on it ICQ : 9563328 ================================================== * Thanks to * ================================================== -Id Software for Quake -Ben Morris for Worldcraft -Mutant Bunnie & and Erik Eklund for betatesting -Massive hail to everyone that has inspired me in anyway and even more hail to the individuals I borrowed textures from. ================================================== * Description * ================================================== This is my first map ever, so don't expect everything in the world. My aim was to create a strategic 1-on-1, and that is hopefully what it became. In the beginning I spent alot (ALOT) of time choosing textures -- now there lies a bunch of unfinished shit at my harddrive; everything basically the same, except for the set of textures. Hmmmm. However, I was quite pleased with the look of some Quake2-textures (which I had found on various levels), so I 'stole' those. I know this map blows, still I would appreciate if you send a mail with any thought on this piece. ================================================== * Play Information * ================================================== Game : Quake Single Player : No baddies if that's what you mean... Cooperative : Nope Deathmatch : 5 respawns, but it's designed for 1-on-1 Powerups : Quad Damage ================================================== * Construction * ================================================== Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.5b, Worldcraft 1.6 Known Bugs : None. Build Time: Hard to say: I worked a lot in the beginning of this maps creation, however, when the architecture was completed I hardly bothered to spend time with Item placement and such; so it took much longer to complete this thing than it needed to. Ok? eh, no? alright 2-3 Weeks. ================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * ================================================== You may distribute this map over the Internet, provided that it is an unmodified of noc1.zip and not just the BSP. If you put the map on a CD and intend to sell it for money -- give me the money! In other words; you may do whatever you want with this file, just get my explicit permission. Some of the textures in this level are not mine, though, and belong to their respective owners.