January 27 2001 ================================================== Title : "Crazy Shenanigans" Filename : paddydm1.bsp Author : Stephen Johnston (Asriel) Email Address : asriel@wastedyouth.org URL: : hehe i dont have one at the moment Additional Credits to : johnston112, Gibbie, Notorious Ray, Fern, Dazerz, Shambler, CardO And to anyone else that help out with my map in anyway. -Ben Morris for Worldcraft -Tyraan for Tyrlite -MickeyJ for TexMex (TexMex owns me) =================================================== * Play Information * Game : Quake Registered Map Name : paddydm1 Single Player : no Co-op : no Deathmatch : Yes =================================================== * Misc * I put paddydm1.map in because this map could be touched up. I probably should have put more time into this, but I just wanted to release it, which is why it doesn't seem that good. So you can modify this map if you so desire, but please put my name, nick and e-mail address in with your map... Oh and e-mail (or msg me on IRC) me saying that you have modified it , so i can have a look. Thanks very much ================================================== * Construction * Base : new map from scratch New Graphics : a bunch of custom textures (textures from Back2School and P3:A both by Pingu(Hexen2 textures i think)) Editor used : WorldCraft 1.6a Other Programs : TexMex ================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You are not allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic format that is sold for money without my explicit permission. You MAY distribute this BSP over the internet, provided you include this file, with no modifications and do NOT exploit it commercially.