================================================================ Title : The Ethel Matrix Date : 09.02.99 Filename : pbrdm1.bsp Author : NotoriousR.A.Y. aka Ray O'Neill Email Address : rjoneill@chesapeake.net Home Page : http://www.gibbed.com/pointblank Host : www.gibbed.com Description : medium sized deathmatch level for quake 1 Additional Credits to : Id software, Ben Morris for WC, the qboarders for info and help : Pingu for taking the time to really gimme some good feedback : http://www.planetquake.com/pingu : Headshot for making the oh-so-lovely qboard at: : http://games.terrafusion.com/qboard Special Thanks : Moloch, for suggestions and letting me use his awesome textures from : his cool-ass map 'Effigy of the Forgotten' : Stecki (http://deconstruct.terrafusion.com) and : the few others that gave me criticism that i could actually use. : And to all those out there who downloaded the beta of this map, : but failed to tell me what they thought (you know who you are), : you can suck it. bitches. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Deathmatch : Yes, 3-7 ffa, 1on1 is ok, 3 or 4 ffa i find is best, imho Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Registered WorldCraft 1.6 Compile Utils : Wqbsp, tyrlite, rvis Other Utils : MipDip, Paint Shop Pro 5.0, ReMipDLX, Adquedit Known Bugs : Shouldn't be any. Build Time : uhhh like umm quite a while, a few months in the works i'd guess. Textures used : Some converted id q2 textures, some q2 textures edited by Moloch : (used with permission), some textures made by Headshot, used with : unwritten permission, some textures edited by myself, in addition : to the obligatory id q1 textures. okay, the map has: red armor : 1 yellow armor : 1 green armor : 1 weapons : 1 SSG, 1 NG, 1 SNG, 1 GL, 2 RL, 1 LG items : quad, megahealth ammo : hahah, more than you'll ever need health : see above. * Other Info * This map is hella fun with 3 or 4 omicron bots. They usually stick to the low ground, so if you're a quad whore you can reign havoc from above. mmm tasty. And remember, the most obvious route to the quad may not be the most efficient. Think about it. * Copyright / Permissions * pbrdm1: The Ethel Matrix, (c) 1998/1999 Point Blank Productions, Ray O'Neill. By accessing this archive you agree not to rip off anything found within this zip archive or otherwise tamper with anything, unless you have my outward permission. Thus, the .zip archive may be distributed if, and only if, it remains un-changed, in .zip format, with both this file and the .bsp file within it. Actura Software, or any of it's members, or their family members, friends, neighbors, significant others, drug dealers, pets, etc, may not distribute, examine, copy, move, download, upload, unload, freeload, open, unzip, run, view, or use any sector of their hard drive occupied by, this archive or anything within it or rhyming with it. Furthermore, none of the above may think about, ponder upon, or even have a sudden revelation about the idea of distributing these files despite these warnings. So there.