!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! PH8DM1 - Detached !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Quake 1 map by: ______ _______ ______ | __ \| | || __ | | __/| || __ | |___| |___|___||______| http://pherrous.phaitaccompli.com File : ph8dm1.bsp Released : March 01, 2003 Author : Justin L. Kohli / Phait ***************** ** DESCRIPTION ** ***************** Originally an attempt for the 2nd Coagula map contest. I was pleased with how the map was coming along, but I had no idea where it was going because there was no pre-planning/concept/sketch work done - I pulled all this from my ass! There's 4 DM starts, 1 GL, 1 RL, 2 NG, 2 SS and moderate ammo. There is also 1 Megahealth and 1 Quad, if you can find it. ************************ ** ADDITIONAL CREDITS ** ************************ id software, Ben Morris (Worldcraft) *************** ** THANK YOU ** *************** The people at func_msgboard - http://www.celephais.net/board/forum.php for all help, input, suggestions, good and bad criticism... for keeping the Quake mapping community alive. For being inspiring. ********************** ** PLAY INFORMATION ** ********************** Single player : Nope Cooperative : Nope Deathmatch : Yes, 4 DM starts Difficulty settings : Nope New sounds : Nope New graphics : Nope New music : Nope ****************** ** Construction ** ****************** Base : Scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6 Build time : -- Compile time : -- Brushes : 238 Entities : 115 Build utilities : Argh Lite, RVIS, Tree QBSP Known bugs : Some texture misalignments and item placements that are off - not my fault, something with the editor. I wish I knew what it was, cause I really wanted to place the ammo beneath the spotlights, but half of the map wouldn't allow this - they were 'missing'. ***************** ** HOW TO PLAY ** ***************** Most of you know what to do here, but for those that don't: 1. Extract the .BSP to quake/id1/maps 2. Start the game, bring down the console with the ~ tilde key 3. Type: map whatever (i.e. whatever.bsp) ***************************** ** WHERE TO GET THIS LEVEL ** ***************************** http://pherrous.phaitaccompli.com *************************************** ** COPYRIGHT NOTICES and PERMISSIONS ** *************************************** This map file is Copyright © 2003 Justin Kohli. Quake is Copyright © id Software Worldcraft is Copyright © Ben Morris/Valve Software Compile utilities are Copyright © their respective programmers. Any custom textures not made by me are Copyright © their respective designers. This file IS protected by Copyright law - http://www.whatiscopyright.org/ Despite this, I cannot prevent you from using this map as a base of your own, therefore you are free to do so. However I highly encourage you not to; being original is a rarity but is very respectable. Just think a little harder. This file may be distributed by any electronic means provided this text file is included with it, and both files are left intact. If you wish to include this file on a maps compilation disc you may do so provided you send me a free copy as well. Hours of work are put into these maps and I believe us designers rightfully deserve such reward for our hard work.