Tuesday, August 31st, 1999 ================================================================ Title : phdm1 - Vaguely Interesting Filename : phdm1.bsp Author : Paul Healey Author Email Address : phealey@planetquake.com Author's Other Levels : No good ones. Home Page(s) : None as such, but you can visit these: Multiplayer Quake http://www.planetquake.com/mpq/ Inspection http://www.planetquake.com/inspection/ Multiplayer Daikatana http://www.planetdaikatana.com/mpd/ Thanks to The Shi.. ahem, Kable (my ickle bro), Frib, Aardappel, Pingu, Shambler, SleepWalkR, Fat Controller, Bal, (loads of other peeps on PQ/TF), next doors dog, the old lady down the road and of course Skorpion for the Obot route (phdm1.ent). Oh and Armin Rigo for Quark. ================================================================ * Description * After seeing Cybear release three maps in three days I thought it was about time I went back to the QuArk and made a half decent map. This is the result. A small 1-on-1/FFA map with no DAMN Lightning Gun =). Unlike Cybears maps though, this took a big longer than a day to make. Probably because I'm a little rusty, its been nearly two years since I last made anything (thats my excuse). The texturing is a mixture of Stecki's decon wad and Laerths timeless. You have some Timeless architecture in there, but I've tried to throw in some original-ish architecture. Its probably a bit too blocky and square in some areas and layout is a bit flat but I'm pretty happy with it. Shambler chipped in with some ideas for the map. The jump pad's are his idea and I quite like them. Seems like other opinions where mixed from remove them completely, make them faster, make them slower etc and move them to other spots in the map. Anyway they're here to stay now =P ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : 1-on-1 and 3-4 FFA. Capture the Flag : No Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Stecki's Decon wad Laerth's Timeless textures Couple of Headshot textures Interesting Clip texture by me * Construction * Base : From scratch. Editor(s) used : QuArK 5.10 normal/beta. Build Utils : Tyrlite, TxQbsp (uses fancy floating point) and RVis Known Bugs : Probably... Build Time : Just over a week, then a further three weeks thinking how the f**k to finish it Compile machine : P3 450 w/128 megs RAM TXQBSP Time : 14.0 TYRLITE Time (-extra) : 151.0 RVIS (-level 4) Time : 119.0 Transparent VIS : Yeap. But its only for a paddling pool, so no advantage. Brushes : 446 Entities : 139 Highest R_speed : 750 Average R_speed : 300-500 * Tools * Lightning Guns - NO, never. Rocket Launchers - Two Grenade Launchers - One Super Nail Guns - One Nail Guns - Zero Super Shot Guns - One * Armour * Red Armour - One Yellow Armour - One Green Armour - One * Funky Stuff * Pentagram of Protection - None Quad Damage - One. Try getting it though. Ring of Shadows - One Mega Health - None ================================================================ * Other * If you have any comments on the map then please email me! * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. The original zipfile and its contents MUST remain UNALTERED. Permission is granted to download the bsp through non-commercial QuakeWorld servers (like that'll happen). Commercial servers may use this level. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems and in its original zipfile format--UNALTERED bsp and textfile included. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any commercial CD or diskette without my permission. Also note that id Software, Inc. has certain restrictions on the distribution of derivative levels. If you go ahead and ignore these warnings, don't be surprised if a lawsuit occurs. And one final thing, if you paid to get this map then you're a bit stoopid. ================================================================