98 12 15 ====================================================================== Title : dissonance Filename : pinion1.bsp Author : Phil Chopp "retinal" Email Address : retinal@terrafusion.com Web Site : http://retinal.terrafusion.com Description : in this, my first Quake map after months of Quake2 editing, i tried to mix a little old [in the form of the e1m2 style blocks and floors] with a little new [the Dapak lights and trim] and this is what I came up with. the title 'dissonance' obviously refers to this mixing of contrasting styles....obviously :) Additional Credits to : - id Software for Quake - Ben Morris, of course, for Worldcraft - Cable Hicks for Adquedit, an incredible program which I only discovered while making this map - Tim Wright for Arghlite - Jeff Yost and the Ramshackle crew for play testing - headshot, danimal, Peej, underscore and Ninja for their beta testing and comments - ztn and odd for help along the way (ie. texturing) - plus all those who take the time to review and/or play my maps and especially all those who run custom servers, seeing others playing the maps just makes all the work worthwhile. Other Maps By Author Quake: rtldm1, rtldm2, rtldm2p, rtldm3 Quake2 : broken1, broken2, broken3, fixed1 ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : gameplay could be a little slow Cooperative : no Deathmatch : 1 on 1 - sounds good to me 3 to 5 - where it's at 6 to 8 - insanity (this can be a good thing) ================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.6, AdQuedit, Paint Shop Pro 5 Known Bugs : killed em all in development (i think) Build Time : 2 months on and off Custom textures : dlight_1, dlight_10, dlight_8, head_mt7, head_x4 by dennis kaltwasser [contact him for permission to use them - headshot@terrafusion.com] rtl_01, rtl_02, rtl_03, rtl_04, rtl_05 by myself [contact me for permission to use them - retinal@terrafusion.com] ================================================================== * Legal * You may distribute this level over the internet and include it in any deathmatch compilation as long as you include this text file, unchanged, get my written permission and give me credit. You may not use this BSP as a base to build additional levels, and you may not put it on a CD or any other commercially sold electronic format without my written permission. Chopp chopp@worldchat.com