====================================================================== Title : bruce lee Filename : pinion3.bsp Author : Phil Chopp "retinal" Email Address : retinal@fov120.com Web Site : http://retinal.fov120.com Description : a small deathmatch level with a very defined flow and 'see it but can't have it' style layout. Additional Credits to : - id Software, Ben Morris, Cable Hicks, Tim Wright for their respective programs - ninja, sleepwalker and all others who provided me with input and inspiration during the development of this map Other Maps By Author Q1 : rtldm1, rtldm2(p), rtldm3 pinion1, pinion2 Q2 : broken1, broken2, broken3 fixed1 ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : no Cooperative : no Deathmatch : 2 to 3 players (6 starts) ================================================================== * Construction * Base : new level from scratch Editor(s) used : worldcraft 1.6, adquedit, paint shop pro 6 Known Bugs : none Build Time : 2-3 months Custom textures : headshot -dlight_10, dlight_8 : rorshach -j_brick01, j_brickw01, j_brickw02, j_brickw03, j_metpan04, j_metpan05, j_metpan06, j_poster03, j_walk01 : kell -krust1, wdkn1_2 ================================================================== * Legal * You may distribute this level over the internet and include it in any deathmatch compilation as long as you include this text file, unchanged, get my written permission and give me credit. You may not use this BSP as a base to build additional levels, and you may not put it on a CD or any other commercially sold electronic format without my written permission. Thank you and goodnight.