created 07/24/98 ================================================================ Title : BlackPope's Testosterone Asylum Filename : Pope2.bsp Author : Jesse Lawrence Email Address : Description : Quake Training Grounds ================================================================ **************************************************************** * Let me know how ya feel 'bout this thing I call "A map" * **************************************************************** * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Player load : Duel or 4ffa Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Various Textures from here and there... Kudos to the artists! * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6b Build Time : A Weekish * Credits * - id Software for Quake - Ben Morris for Worldcraft - and all those who helped me testing this map. * Author * Name : Jesse Lawrence E-mail: ICQ : 7558552 Alias : BlackPope * Info an such * -My second *complete* map due to my distraction of playing quake is far greater than my inclination to map for quake. The Map is a training zone for quake soldiers. Various computer equipment is there to scan and record information. That's my idea anyways hehe hope it comes through clear.- -After much playing of all the wonderful custom maps available these days I set to create my own. At first I tried smooth nice corners everywhere and it did come out very professional but the textures did not look as good for some reason... So I decided on the chunky style which I find makes the map look how I wanted it to look. I also opted for a very Up/Down match with several lifts. I wanted things to be very busy and not be cluttered, I think I've managed that.-- --Weapons are in what I hope is even distribution. The RL is very exposed and can be attained with a jump from almost anywhere but also puts you in a very open spot. The LG is on the upper most floor because nothing beats diving down from the sky riding a lightning bolt! The rest of the weaponry (2 sng's and 3 ssg's) are around... and easy to get)-- --The Drop chute I decided to keep because if used properly you can get out of tricky situations not only by escaping yourself but by snaring any would be pursuers ...-- --Umm yeah... * Copyright / Permissions * You may distribute this level and include it in any deathmatch compilation etc., as long as you: 1. Include this text file untouched and give me credit. 2. E-mail me and let me know what you're doing with it.