6/30/2000 Release Version 2 Changes: Jumppads are smoother. Megahealth now floats where it should. Problems: Yellow Armor will not stay "lit up". (Can't figure this one out.) Jump pads sometimes dont send you far enough. (Inconsistancy) ================================================================ Map name : q1dm17 & q1dm17rail Title : The Longest Yard Game : Quake 1 Author : Jeff McWhorter Email Address : jjm72@home.com jeffrey.mcwhorter@mkg.com Description : Space map modeled after Q3DM17 for Q3 Arena Additional Credits to : ID software ,Qoole, Wally, Arglite, RVIS, P128RAIL Other Software used : MS Excel, Paint Shop Pro 5.0 ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : no Cooperative : no Deathmatch : 2 - 10 players Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Resized Q3 Textures and a few new ones. * Construction * Base : Intensely modified the Q3DM17sample.map from Q3A. Editor(s) used : Qoole 99 Build Time BSP :15 seconds Light :145 seconds Vis :~3 hours * Playing the BSP * R-Speeds are way too high to play without a 3D card. Using Winquake or Quake result in graying out at certain areas. I use a voodoo2 card with Glquake. It runs great with that (no gray areas). I've included 2 versions of the level. One with regular weapons (q1dm17), and one with the railgun replacing the lightning gun. I have include the railgun mod "p128rail" to be used with the railgun version (q1dm17rail). All of the jumps pads work pretty well. It takes some practice to get used to them all, especially the quad damage jump. Please report any problems with the map to the above email addresses. * Copyright / Permissions * This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.