q1q3test2.txt•”š¬›8"¬šąJJ’Õ€•”•¦t”\ˆ–Œą¬›–)TEXTR*ch–Ą_®³RŲ³RŲž“Map: q1q3test2 Name: The Not-so-long Yard Author: Rickster Email: rdroe@champaign.crosswinds.net Date: 2 May 1999 This map is a conversion of a map from the Quake III: Arena test version... for anyone who doesn't have the right hardware to play it or is just plain old-fashioned. :) Includes converted Q3 textures (thanks to Paroxysm) and an improvisation of bounce pads that works pretty well (most of the time). If you have any problems or suggestions, let me know. Yes, I know I need to work on the lighting. Changes from the real q3test2: - No curved surfaces (duh) - substituted Super Nailgun for Railgun (may change) - can't put MegaHealth in the air, so it's on top of the center pads - no armor chips, just the "floating" red armor - simplified geometry in some areas - no Void, just a bounding box way out in the dark and a trigger_hurt below hhFt©96ņ57åcache5956664.jpg image/jpegåH Monaco@5° “†ÅåzĒ,6»¶,6»¶³RŲ^^R*ch‚Monaco  Helvetica Confidential€€€€HhhF°ÅŌYšFMPSRBBSTķ’’€’’L°æ”