____________________________________ Title : HalfDead Game : Quake I DM Author : Speedy speeds@softhome.net www.planetquake.com/speedy icq 68154481 Release Date : 27 July 2002 Files : q1tm_speedy.bsp ____________________________________ Description / Play Information Small deathmatch map for ffa/1-1 Plays good with omicron bots Made for Q1 TurtleMap project (The goal is to make a map in one week. ) ___________________________________ Textures ripped from Unreal by FatController ____________________________________ Instructions / INSTALLATION Unzip .bsp to quake/id1/maps directory To start, in quake`s console type: map q1tm_speedy ____________________________________ Testing/Help Nane. And no one else, you lazy #tf gits. ____________________________________ Soft Used BSP map editor by Yahn W. Bernier compilers by Tyrann and Bengt Jardrup TexMex by Mickey ____________________________________ -- Copyright / Permissions -- NON-commercial use only. In other case you have to obtain my permission. You MAY distribute this file through any electronic network (internet, local BBS etc.), provided you include txt and all files unmodified and leave the zip archive intact.