30-8-99 ============================================================================== Title : Quad Rock Base Filename : Quadrock_q1.zip Author : Hylke Beck (gibbie) Email Address : hylke_b@hotmail.com Description : a curved 3-storey 3-atrium id-style base connected in a sort of broken ring made with 1on1 in mind. ============================================================================== Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yezzz Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (some edited base textures) New Music : No Demos Replaced : None ============================================================================== Editor(s) used : Quark, Photoshop (textures) other compile tools : Arghlite, rvis, txqbsp. Known Bugs : None as far as i know. Build Time : About 2 weeks. Compile time of roughly 3 minutes on a P3-450 w/128 meg of RAM. Comments : This is a conversion of a Quake 2 map, and i will probably also make a Quake 3 Arena version of the map. The teleporter near the lg is splitted in 2 parts, if you step in the left side you will be teleported to be left side, if you step in the right side...blah...blah...that's about it. Thanks to the testers, Fat Controller, Paul and Aardappel. ============================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Play the map at your own risk. If your computer dies when playing the map im not responsible. Don't change anything in the archive, you can distribute the map in any way, but don't forget to ask me