Rapdm3: InterFearance by Raptore, for Quake 1 Deathmatch. Please visit http://www20.brinkster.com/raptore/ for more information. ----------Installation----------- Unzip this zip file to C:\ with your preffered ZIP utility. The two files will be placed in c:\quake\id1\maps\rapdm3.bsp and c:\quake\docs\rapdm3.txt The map can now be run in quake by typing "map rapdm3" without the quotes in your console once you have started quake. ----------BSP Info---------- BSP filename: rapdm3.bsp BSP filesize: 558 KB BSP compile info... WQBSP: 19.0 Seconds Tyrlite with -extra: 42.0 Seconds Rvis+ with -level 4: 94.0 Seconds Total of 94.0 + 42.0 + 19.0 = 155.0 Seconds Compile Time. Compiled on an AMD K7-700 with 256mb pc100 RAM. ----------Map Info-------- Rapdm3: InterFearance Texture set: Standard IdBase, converted to use only blue colors from Quake's palette, giving the map an icey theme. I think there may be some Q2 stuff in there as well. Description: This is my "Third Compilation of Useless Brushes." It is a medium sized Quake 1 DM map, suitable for 2-4 players. Any more and it tends to become a shotgun war. Or maybe it is just that Frikbot can't find the guns. =P The map's most distinguishing feature is one that I personally have never seen done before in any quake map: An underwater tunnel. It isn't very long, but it houses the Lightning Gun, and is in the center of the map, under a pool of cold water. Users of GLquake will have an advantage in this map, because it is water-vised, meaning it takes advantage of Glquake's r_wateralpha support of clear water. This means that from one of the ledges above the pool, you can see everything in the water, through the "glass" of the tunnel ceiling, all the way down to the Lightning Gun, and all the traffic it attracts. The glass effect is created using the old trigger_multiple trick so that you can't shoot through it, and the water texture surrounding it is blown up considerably, creating a shimmering effect when you are moving through it. I said you cannot shoot through the glass. This is not completely true. For some reason, the trigger_multiples do not deflect rocket splash damage. And of course, you can be discharged through the glass, if someone packs the Lightning gun ALL the way to the other side of the glass and tries to shoot you. He'll hit you alright... Enjoy! --------Credits-------- id Software http://www.idsoftware.com Arutay All the guys on gamesnet at #terrafusion, who helped me out in making this map. FrikaC --------Legal Crap-------- Do not distribute this map on any removable storage such as floppy disks or CD-RW disks. Do not distribute this map without the included rapdm3.txt (this file). Do not decompile the map without my permission. (I will probably give you the .map file if you ask for it.) Do not use the textures in this map without notifying me first, and giving any due credit for the ice theme texture conversion. Quake is the property of id software. Any questions or comments or death threats or accusations can be sent to me here: slippery@houston.rr.com Other methods of contacting me can be found on my website here: http://www20.brinkster.com/raptore/