razzdm1.txt8"B@/84TEXTttxt:L'n-k[=============================================================================== TITLE: "A Game of Qlue" FILENAME: razzdm1.bsp AUTHOR: Steve "razz" Brazill EMAIL: razz2@earthlink.net QUAKE NAME: Rabbitt DESCRIPTION: This is my first map and it started out to be a recreation of the game Clue. It is an outdoor courtyard with an egyptian theme. The transporters take you "kitty-corner" as in the old board game "Clue". It was designed with no hiding in mind and it will be hard to camp for the Quad unless you like get shot! The map is really open and I took some stuff out to improve r_speeds, but they are still higher than I'd like. But again it's my first try. DATE: 9/18/98 =============================================================================== INFO: Game....................Quake Single Player...........No Cooperative.............No Deathmatch..............2 to 8 players recommended (12 Starts) CONSTRUCTION: BASE: New level from scratch EDITOR: Quiver 1.03 TEXTURES: Rogue =============================================================================== CREDITS: Quiver (quiver.telefragged.com) Mac Quake level editor by Scott Kevill =============================================================================== COPYRIGHT INFO: Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. 2 N$@ XOf=|c` &j l razzdm1.txtTEXTttxtTEXTttxt'n4L`Bn ..N^NtNV/~Y/.?./././. /. <.-G ..N^NtNVH8(.*.&n(nBG,<̄ <0gg, 2߈%v2styl [P