7/8/2001 ================================================================ Title : Skunkworks Filename : rcdm10.bsp Author : Robert "Fat Controller" Cruickshank Email Address : fatty@planetquake.com Website: : http://www.planetquake.com/fatty/ Description : Number ten in the DM map series Textures from Rorshach's "Jackboot" level, Doom2 (the slime) and a couple CyBears (pipes/sky) and what may be a Daikatana snow guest starring as a teleport texture. Additional Credits : - Ben Morris for Worldcraft shareware - Rorshach for the Jackboot tex - CyBear for the dark pipes and sky texture - Dem goofy Qmap folks for all their support, moral or otherwise :) - Mickey J for TexMex - id for Doom 2 - Tyrann for testing ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : You need DMSP Cooperative : No Deathmatch : 6-8 players. Best in mode 3. Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yup New QuakeC Stuff : No Demos Replaced : No Transparent Water Support: No Weapon Load : 1 of: SSG, RL, GL, LG, YA, RA, MH, Quad 1 SNGs, GA TELESCREEN EVENTS AS AT 13:67 32nd of 5th month, yr 163 Collage of waving flags, marching troops, Party members in mass gatherings. Slightly wobbly martial music. Titles: 'THE PARTY PROTECTS US ALL - WE ALL PROTECT THE PARTY' More collage; courtrooms, judges in Party regalia, uniformed policemen siezing a traitor dramatically pointed out by a small boy (holding doll of Our Friend The President). Cut to presenters (1F, 1M) in studio. Party symbol on backdrop; legend obscured, seems to read 'THE ENEM(...) MANY'. (The Enemy of the Party is Many?) Smiles far too inhuman. Female: "Our Friend The President is concerned for you, the people of the State. Anyone who is guilty of any treason will be uncovered and thwarted; innocent dupes are always spared." Cut to outdoors scene. Firing squad in front of complex (prison? housing?) Figure tied to post. Sentence carried out while male presenter voice over: Male: "Citizen Johnstone-438874 was today found guilty of causing needless death, bodily harm inconvenience to his fellow citizens by careless driving, resulting in an accident killing his son, three senior citizens in another vehicle, and causing a major blockage of Primary Road 43. As you can see, for these crimes against his own family, the families of the others slain, and against those citizens whose important Party work was obstructed, and thus against the Party itself, he was sentenced to death." Jumbled mass of messages concerning the central importance of the family unit to the Party. Lots of footage of Our Friend The President playing with his children and paying his respects to the elderly. More collage of army manoeuvers, marching prisoners etc. "CRIMES OF WAR!" title. Dramatic music, bombed-out housing, dead women and children. Female: "Our soldiers know they must defend our Party, our State and Our Friend The President by all means, but not by losing their humanity." Shots of soldiers giving food and pamphlets (propaganda?) to scared-looking children and other acts of charity to civilians. Female: "However, some soldiers DO lose their minds in this way, and must be dealt with." Cut to interior of some building. Threshing figures on gurneys. Men in gowns bending over them with implements. No sound. Male: "Since these renegades have a thirst for blood, they are sentenced to hunt down and kill their fellow renegades... here on the Circus Channel." Dramatic music over rapid sequence of "renegades" being shot, hacked to death and blown apart. Caption: "THE CIRCUS CHANNEL". Male: "Today's collection of traitors and renegades will be performing in your favourite arena: the Skunkworks!" Camera zooms through ugly green brick-walled hallways roofed with heavy brown metal, flooring in places open to unpleasant-looking channels of slime. Caption "SKUNKWORKS" scrolls across the screen. Male and Female presenters take turns describing the traitors/renegades/victims and their "crimes" as their portraits are flashed up with suitable exhortations to viewer hatred. The countdown to the combat start begins over quick cuts of the participants being caged in the inserter mechanisms. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft; TexMex (wad); TyrLite v0.9; Rvis+ Build Time : Unknown Known bugs : Cockroaches, lice, fleas, earwigs, silverfish... do woodlice count? Oh! The map! Um... Only one RL. Compile machine : Compaq Presario 2200 (Cyrix MGX-166, 30MB RAM) (That's right: *30* megs! Compaq dedicates 2 megs for video, but it still manages to get away with saying 16 megs in the ads. In short: I ain't no Bario.) QBSP Time : 6 minutes 30 seconds Light Time : 5178 VIS (-level 4) Time : 1 hour x minutes 6730 seconds Brushes : 993 Entities : 385 Models : 15 average leafs visible : 186 * How to Use * Extract the BSP to ID1/MAPS as per usual, and run it from the console a la MAP RCDM10. If you find problems, contact me via email at the address above. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic format that is sold for money without my explicit written permission! This includes magazine cover CDs. You MAY distribute this file through any electronic network. * Where to get this crap map * http://www.planetquake.com/fatty/ * Essential Quake links - Get 'Em while they Last * Visit TeamShambler Level Reviews: http://www.planetquake.com/teamshambler/index.html SP not your thing? Try MPQ: http://www.multiplayerquake.com QMap: http://www.qmap.org Mein host ist das uberbuttkicken PlanetQuake! http://www.planetquake.com