================================================================ Title : Halls Of Darkness Filename : Rpdm7.bsp Author : Dean Turner Email Address : rotpig@lis.net.au Description : Designed for 1on1 although slightliy larger than a typical duel map with room to move in most areas. The layout is simple with only three main areas; A courtyard , a Satanic Temple and a large square room which features a tree model (made with the func_wall entity). In between is a simple network of halls. I spent much more time concentrating on the visual appearanceof the map more so than having a complex layout. The architecture is styled gothic and thus fits in well with the overall theme of quake. The map supports about 2-5 players but any more than 5 or 6 would be total chaos! ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Monsters : No New Demos : No New Models : Yes QuakeC Patches : No * Construction * Base : New map from scratch Editor(s) used : Quake Army Knife 4.02 Known Bugs : The tree model can create havoc on low end machines with the r_speeds jumping up very high when this entity is on screen. If this is causing a problem then cut the tree out using a .bsp editor (delete the func_wall entities that make it up). On a machine of 166mhz or over, this tree should not create any problems. Build Time : About 5 days from a sketch on paper to the finished article Comments : Other than the possible lag problem with the tree entitiy, the map is bug free!