Map Title: The Grim Citadel File Name: Rpdm8.bsp Author: Dean Turner aka "Rotpig" Players: 2-4 Description: Small sized map for duels and ffa. This map was built as a sequel to Halls of Darkness - Rpdm7 as it had very little 3-d gameplay or connectivity and I had some more ideas yet for gothic styled maps. The layout is very tight and as a result getting around is easy. For those who played Rpdm7 and are going to look around for the same amount of secrets, I'm sorry to say that The Grim Citadel has no secrets... except... hehehe. Really, no secrets. Creditz: Regards to James Eichenauer "Kayin" and his crew. (go to MPQ and check out some of Kayin's maps) Kayin helped me out with some ideas when I was stuck and so alot of the credit for this map deserves to be sent his way. They tested my map over a LAN, as I have no access to such luxuries... grumble, and pointed out problems and gave advice on weapon configuration and such. Thanks guys! Rotpig. Ammendments in final release: More windows opening out to mountains; Addition of textures city5_6 and city5_7 to various parts of the map (around walls at diff hieghts); change of brick texture on floor near grenade launcher to wood; new pentagram in hallway between yellow armour and GL; doorway near SNG now a pointy style door; lowering of light levels in couryard and various other parts; reduction of sky poly thickness to help game speeds; removal of barred window in hallway from GL to Quad room in order to help game speeds; health in hallway between YA and GL now moved to make way for pentagram; more detail in roof area of spiral staircases; other minor changes not worth mentioning and the addition of one small tag from me. Many of the changes mentioned above do nothing to change how the map played before but the release of earlier wasn't actually the intended map file.