================================================================ Title : RUsure? Filename : RUsure.BSP Author : GI JOE Email Address : vij0e@hotmail.com Description : The first MAP I have created, but I'm sure you'll agree that it's cleverly thought out. This level makes use of as many quake features that I deemed appropriate for the level. This is an extremely good deathmatch and it is designed so that people with skill (not people with weapons hiding) get all the frags. For a better description please see surede.txt Additional Credits to : ID Software, for Quake Author of QuArK. ================================================================ * Play Information * Level Name : RUsure? Single Player : No Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 1-4 Player : Yes, 1-4 player is advisable although there are 15 starting positions Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Build Time : 20 hours Editor(s) used : QuArK Known Bugs : A planned bug - you will die in deathmatch if you're greedy (see surede.txt) Otherwise none that I know of, if you find one please email me. * Legal Stuff * You may distribute and modify this level, as long as you include my text files and give me the credit.