================================================================ Title : Silence 2 Violence Filename : s2v.zip w2v.bsp s2v.txt Author : INhabitaNT Email Address : inhab@sprint.ca or soon to be inhab@home.com Description : I got very tired of these 'highly complex' and texture filled maps. Sure they show great talent, but for game play sometimes a simple lay out with high energy is plenty fun for deathmatch. This map, is VERY small. But It's great for 1on1, I've recieved some complaints about the fact that there is only one RL. But If I added another, you could run a RL run and pick one up then make it back in time for the other to respawn. I hate when people do that on DM6, soooo I wanted to make this map focus more on other weapons rather then just the rl. The textures are very redundant I know, I'm getting used to texture alignment, this being only my 5th or 6th released map. There were some really weird 'leak' problems so I had to use the 'black box' tecnique to fix it. (I made a 6 brush square outside the level to fix leak problems) but I couldn't find any 'leaks' in the level that the player could 'fall out of' I think the leaks were as a result of my small attempts at 'curves' but anyway, enjoy the map, even if it's only the one time you play it. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes! 1on1 perfered up to 4 (six spawns) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes a sky texture! New Monsters : No New Demos : No New Models : No QuakeC Patches : No * Construction * Base : Fresh Editor(s) used : Quake Army Knife, Version 4.07 Known Bugs : Ocasionally a bonus item falls out, this I can't explain. Build Time : about a week Comments : Look for probably H/l or q2 maps from now on.