Skis4 Battles In The North - April 2000 <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> Title : Skis4 (Skleropolis) Filename : skis4.txt skis4.bsp Author : SkLERoS Stefan Hedman Author info : Well, I am 18 years old, student, live near Stockholm the captiol of Sweden. I like quake and I like mapping. That's it =) Email Address : Web Page : Description : This is a large map designed for TeamPlay, I have had many aspects in my mind when I made this such as: "Could it be easily dominated?" "Should there be more weapons?" etc. But I think that I have reached a good solution and made it quite cool.. <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * Play Information * Single Player : No enemies. Cooperative : No enemies. Deathmatch : Yes 4-8 ppl but 4-on-4 is what it's made for Difficulty Settings : Nope New Sounds : Nah New Graphics : Textures taken from other mappers. Check out thanx section...I mention them there. New Music : No Demos Supplied : None * Construction * Base : Tormented by a fierce whip I scrambled this together...With my bare hands I carved these walls, every brick. Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.6 (reg) and Fixent Known Bugs : None Build Time : Like 2 months but I did most if it in one weekend. Texture Wad used : Textures taken from some of my favourite maps, check thanx section if you like to know who they are. Entities : 298, 181 are lights Textures : 44 R_speeds : 50 - 600 Not too high for being a large map, well mapped I say =) Averge Leafs Visible : 104 Compile machine : pentium 233, 32Mb Ram QBSP (full) : About 4 minutes Arghlite (-extra) : 334 sec RVIS (-level 4) : 625 sec Misc Map Info: Spawns : 10 of them in various places around the map Weapon Load : 2 RL 2 LG 3 SSG 3 SNG 2 GL 1 NG Resources : 1 Red Armor 1 YA 3 GA and 2 Mega Health Powerups : Quad, Ring and a Pentagram. <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * NAG, and thanks * Greetings how have you been? Playing your ass of in skis3 I guess. As you can see this is my fourth level and I think it worked out great. To bad many mappers don't make quake maps anymore. But I think that many will return, I certinly hope so. PLEASE tell me what you think of this map, wether it be bad news or sucking up. I would fondly appreciate a mail from YOU. Send banter to: please. I wish to thank the following: ID software, for QUAKE!! Ben Morris, for WorldCraft. Mr Elusive, Omricon Bots. Peej N Frib, for having the mightiest of webpages. Peej for Fixent Vondur for telling me really quick how to make suspended things in quake. Thx man Immortal ROCK! And last but not least YOU who acctually read this far and give my map a chance, thank YOU! =) Thanks to Kickin Ken ( for his excellent map kikdm6, I have used some of his textures. Thanks to Gonzo ( for warfare3 which I have taken some textures from. And not to forget the nice outdoors grass and path texture taken from Mr Fribbles efdm10 ( Thanks to Excessus for his maps, the exdm series which I have "borrowed" some textures from. Sorry if I forgot anyone. Beta testers: Me and OMIBOTS (the only problem bots have is the trigger_push to the RA they get stuck there and die.) Michael Jansson aka WAsteR (classmate) with several good opinons. <|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|> * Installation * : Unzip the bsp/map in the id1\maps directory, Start your favourite game Quake. Bring down the console and type: map skis4, thats all. * Copyright / Permissions * You can do anything you want with this, spread it around or whatever. But please keep this file intact, with *.bsp and *.txt, thanks. IF you are seriously PAYING money to get this, it's some moron pranking you. DO WHAT THOU WILL SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW! Enjoy! Stefan Hedman Sweden