Quake DM-Level: The Iron Factory (skydm2.bsp) v1.1 Author: B.Birke ("Skynet" in Quake) Email: donut@prima.ruhr.de Other game stuff from me: The Iron Fortress (ironfort.bsp[v1.1]or skydm1[v1.2]) for Quake The Transpluto Mines for Descent(1) ------------------------------------------ Die Datei "skydm2de.txt" enthält diese Informationen in Deutsch. ------------------------------------------ Content of this text file: 1) Features 2) Building Notes 3) Bot Notes _________ 1) Features: -Players: 6-24 recommended (I think 4 players is the absolute minimum); 12 deathmatch start points. -Weapons: 4 super shotguns, 3 super nailguns, 3 grenade launchers, 2 rocket launchers, 2 lightning guns -Goodies: 2 Megahealth packs, one Ring, one Quad and a pentagram. The pentagram is "hot stuff"; look at the computers for a hint! -Protection: 3 green, 2 yellow, 2 red armors. -No water or slime, but some molten steel. -A lot of modified or new textures, including signs, a heavily polluted sky and animated computer panels. -Funny things: * A moving train (a REAL train, not just a train entity.) * Pneumatic dispatch system (Beware, Camper!). Look for the yellow "MAIL" signs! Works in one direction only. * Poison gas room -no secrets (I didn't count the Pentagram as a secret) v1.1 changes: Piece of hot steel appears correctly (bright) in GLQuake. Added some clip brushes for better movement at the railroad gates. Modified lighting in the computer room and near the furnace. ________ 2) Building Notes: This is my second Quake level. The battle takes place in the big steel works of the Thor Steel Company, including a blast furnace, steel converters and a computer/tech room. There's also a pneumatic dispatch system normally used to send mail with working instructions or small tools. You will propably prefer to send some mailbombs. (It took about one day to make each of the mail pipes work properly. Still some of your mailbombs will get stuck, because a pneumatic dispatch system isn't made for grenades. This map taught me to hate any kind of wind tunnels.) Textures are metal and tech style, plus many new or modified textures. Both Lightning Guns can be taken only at the risk of getting squished. The map is very big and not as tolerant towards a small number of players as The Iron Fortress (you can take Ironfort even for a 1on1 match). It's great fun with 8 to 12 players. I can't say how it works with 24 players, but there should be enough space and start points for such a game. Use Deathmatch 3 (permanent weapons) when playing with more than 12 players! Building time: About 1 1/2 months. Compiling time: About 1 hour (QBSP, Light and VIS) Credits go to: id-Software, the makers of Worldcraft, Adquedit, Paint Shop Pro and Newwad Special Credits for giving me inspirations for this great level: Marc Roussel for Spooge All Over The World, 3D Realms for Duke3D, Looking Glass for System Shock (the Golden Oldie). ________ 3) Bot Notes (Reaper and Omicron v1.02): The map was designed with Bot play in mind. However, the Reaper Bots can't move on broken ground; they have problems to ride the train and can't use the pneumatic dispatch system, of course. On the other hand, they're nearly invincible at higher (2+) skill levels because of their perfect aiming - as in many other true 3D levels. There's one quite silent area in a RPBot game: The room with the red armor, super shotgun and the poison gas shaft. Omicron Bots can reach almost every area in this map, just the train, the pentagram and the mail system are problems for them. ________ Final Notes: Never say that there's lava in this level! Or have you ever seen steel works on an active volcano? (I've heard of "Krakatau Steel Works" in Indonesia, but I bet they're at least 50 km away from the famous Krakatau volcano.) Don't jump into a steel converter in hope for immortality !