August 21st, 2005 ================================================================ Title : Slipstream Filename : slip.bsp Author : Robert "inertia" Winslow E-mail : Description : Quake 1 deathmatch map ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Yes (one start just for fun) Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Player load : 2 - 6 (optimized for 1on1 and 2on2, can play 3on3) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Textures : Yes, from speedy, gibbie, biff, notoriousray, and myself * Construction * Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Graphics utilities : AdQuedit, Wally Compilers : Bengt Jardrup's bsp, light, and vis programs, available at * Author * Name : Robert Winslow E-mail: Home : aerowalk guide : * Credits * Firstly, I want to point out that I have been "developing" this map for something like SEVEN years, so this list of "thanks" is hardly complete. My goal is to show everyone that helped with the latest version of this map. If I forgot you, my apologies; come say hi on irc and I'll remember what you helped me with! ;) super awesome mega thanks: --blitz (cool dude) --gibbie (for lots of textures, mapping help, and inspiration) major thanks: --adamllis (fruit forev3r) --archmage for watching me play irl and staying interested in my qw stuff --bane "ur shit is ownage just the way it is" (said circa beta 17) --blahblah (he's responsible for the infamous holes at upper rl) --cyan (omg facebook wall stalker, bosshome coolness :D) --drako (we made maps at a similar time and helped test them, gg to all) --fkn (ramps at ra [alot of people suggested that]) --ag|john (still better than 99% of qw players, even though he's retired) --kovaak (general testing awesomeness) --myth (D; !, <3) --polishtomato(John Workman) for suggesting the map name, and having good coffeehouse times --preacher (aerowalk is my favorite 1on1 map and inspired me to make this one) --]km[skitter (playing +forward, when he could kick my ass with some actual effort) --up2n0g00d (for pointing out that some ledges look like male genitals... --zwiffle (letting me flog him on my map 358 times per day, while enjoying it) playtesters / general thanks ia cloud9 fayd gellehsak fear breakdown traxler def hangman cyan myth pg splash niomic boss hel GND sassa enjoi metlslime I bet I forgot someone -- sorry, but thanks to you too! * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright (c) 2005 Robert Winslow. All rights reserved. This map may be electronically distributed only with no charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way. This map may not be distributed on any CD-ROM, or other physical distribution media, without the prior, explicit written consent of Robert Winslow. This map may not be used on a commercial multi-player server without similar explicit written consent. Thank you, Robert Winslow