============================================================================= ]Spitfire[ ============================================================================= Date : 2013-Nov-19 on Quakeworld.nu Forums Title : The Sun's Mines - ]Spitfire[ Filename : spitfire.bsp Author : Dr4k0 Email Address : forrest@videotron.ca Description : Q1 DM (duel and 2on2) ============================================================================= * Additional Credits * Thanks to id Software for Quake 1, Valve for Worldcraft 3.33, Internet, Earth, Moon, Sun, Universe ============================================================================= * Gameplay Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes CA / DMM4 / FFA : Yes CTF : No Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Textures : No Build Time : 6 months (on and off) ============================================================================= As we all know, Quake 1 is an extremely fast game, and one of the things that impresses me most about watching experienced players is seeing how they gracefully yet (super) quickly maneuver around a map all the while blowing holes into their opponents offensive and/or defensive games. What also turns me on is how one can gather speed with Quake 1 - the 'bunny hop' - which got discovered over time (no one bunny hopped in 1996), yet today it's almost dizzying seeing how much speed a player can gather by bunny hopping while going from point A to point B. And lastly, it's impressive to watch a great player control a Quake 1 map by controlling the Armours and the Mega. Spitfire might be a little 'puffier' than the maps Quake 1 players are used to (TB5 for example), yet the logic behind making the map a little 'airier' is simply because the Quake 1 engine has evolved hugely since 1996, so Spitfire is reflecting this evolution: there's a little more room which will allow a player to be able to garner up just a little more speed not potentially possible on the older maps. First impressions might say this map is too big for 1on1, yet due to it's 'spaced out' nature and Spitfire's connectivity, this is actually a really fast map. It's 3 levels high with a Red Armour room, a Yellow Armour room and a Mega room/hallway. There's 4 teleporters (2 that connects and 2 that bring you from the basement floor to the top level). There are 2 elevator shafts. These airlift tunnels have as primary purpose to bring you to the top level from the bottom, but they also act like little pushes of speed. For guys like myself who are not the best of bunny-hoppers in the Quake 1 world, a little push in the right direction is just the thing. These pushes makes a fast game... even faster... The architectural idea to Spitfire is to make a map that is small enough for an experienced played to control the items while making the map big enough for the less experienced player not to feel like he/she's simply being 'spawned raped'. There's 8 spawns, all pretty close to a big weapon/item. There are no secrets (as in a secret room), however: in the atrium-like Yellow Room, you can shoot any of the 3 (connected) buttons which will raise the Yellow platform for 7 seconds. The platform is of course used as a means of transportation, yet I also thought that one could 'toy' with their opponent by triggering the Yellow Armour platform at key moments during a match; you can shoot at these buttons from a lot of angles, so seeing an opponent go for the Yellow, triggering the platform, then seeing the opponent stumble into the lava pit below could lead to some satisfying Quakin' moments. Again, experienced players could use this 'raise the Yellow Armour platform' as another level of controlling the map. Lastly, the map that influenced me the most while designing it is actually a Quakelive map called 'Furious Heights', a very tall map consisting of 3 closely connected atriums. Spitfire is a bit like that, yet Aerowalk and Ztndm3 often came to mind while I was mapping this. I would say they are all very good influences. 1 Red Armour 1 Yellow Armour 1 Green Armour 1 Mega 2 RL, 1 LG, 1 GL, 1 SNG, 1 SSG, 1 NG 1 Quad for 2on2s - it's fun, try it, you'll like it! The Quake 1 engine has evolved hugely since 1996. I guess us Quake 1 map makers are hoping that our newer maps might get played in the belief that this revved up Quake 1 engine might actually have experienced players discover maybe more breathing space (or in the case of Quake 1) some more flying room while deathmatching. Have fun, let me know what you think on the Quakeworld.nu forum. ============================================================================= * Copyright and Permission Information * This level may be distributed freely. If you've got any questions, email me at forrest@videotron.ca. =============================================================================