03/05/00 ================================================================ Title : Friendly Pressure Filename : sthdm2.bsp Author : Phil "Seth" Wimblett E-mail Address : seth@barrysworld.com Homepage : http://quake.barrysworld.com/seth/ Description : Quake deathmatch map, comes in too flavors; the original bless textured version and the UltraV textured version. Originally inspired by Fribs rereleased Pkeg1, the map started out as two rooms and a couple connecting corridors before growing into what it is today. Musta been taking Hormone injections or something.... :). Quite curvy, r_speeds hit 900 in one place... but it shold play fine as long as you've got more than an abacus! Additional Credits : Id for... um... something or other... Ben Morris for the only editor worth having... well... apart from those other ones :) zzJohnzz and co. for testing and putting it up on his server Shambler as always for critiscm/praise/comments/ideas Vigil, Kona, Scampie, Ze0, and anone elsse who had a shufty for all their help. Other Maps : sthdm1 - The Long Kiss Goodnight sth2dm1 - The Renegade's Return sth2dm2 - Malissimus Res ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Forewared is forarmed.... Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yessiree Bob Player load : 2 - 4 Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : A few edited Id ones... like i have the talent to create my own.. * Construction * Base : New Level from Scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6, Wally 1.48b, Photo Shop 5.0 Other utilities used : Tim Wright's ArghRad, rvis Known Bugs : Well, unless you count high r_speeds.... Build Time : Far.Too.Long. Compile machine : C366, 64mb, TNT2 Ultra Gamer, Win98 BSP Time : ?? sec ArghLite Time (-extra) : 53/50 sec rvis Time (-level 4) : 98/130 sec * Other Info * Um... none really... there's two versions, so make sure you play them both :). I originally wanted them both to be compatible however it seems that that may not be possible... try it and find out. Feel free to mail me and tell me which version you hate least :) * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright (c) 2000 Phil 'Seth' Wimblett. All rights reserved. This map may be electronically distributed only with no charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way. This text file must be included with the map unmodified. This map may not be distributed on any CD-ROM without the prior, explicit written consent of me. This map may not be used on a commercial multi-player server without similar explicit written consent. (The Rock says) Actura Software MAY NOT do anything with these files, except turn that sum-bitch sideways, and shove it straight up their candy-ass!