================================================================ * File Information * ================================================================ Title : Amen Ra BSP Name : sthdm3.bsp Author : Phil "Seth" Wimblett Release Date : January 2002 Email Address : seth@barrysworld.com Home Page : http://quake.barrysworld.net/seth/ File size : 254 kb Description : A small 1v1 map decked out in those hi-tech textures from Unreal Tournament, whatever that set is called. This map has been in development for nearly two years on and off - ever since I released sthdm2: Friendly Pressure back in May '00! Well I finally decided to release it as it was pretty much done. I just added a clip brush or to and tidied some textures up. Additional Thanks to : ID for quake! Epic/Digital Extremes for UT. Ben Morris, for Worldcraft. Tyrann for Tyrlite, Ty Matthews and Neal White for Wally, ?? for Rvis+. Kona, Nane, zzJohn and anyone else who I've forgotten for comments and Betatesting. By the same author : sthdm1 - The Long Kiss Goodnight sth2dm1 - The Renegade's Return sth2dm2 - Malissimus Res sthdm2 - Friendly Pressure ================================================================ * Play Information * ================================================================ Game : Quake Single Player : No Cooperative Play : Non Deathmatch Play : Si Difficulty Settings : Nein ================================================================ * Map Information * ================================================================ New Textures : Unreal Textures as converted by me. New sounds : Nope ================================================================ * Construction * ================================================================ Base : From scratch Construction Time : A very long time. Build programs : Qbsp, Tyrlite v0.9, Rvis+ QBSP : ?? Vis -Level 4 : 23 secs Light +extra : 48 secs Compile machine : Celeron 366mhz, 128mg RAM. Editor used : Worldcraft 1.6b Other programs : Wally, UED2, Known Bugs : None ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * ================================================================ All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners. You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission of me! (the author =). You MAY NOT distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, CD, etc) except if I allowed u to.