================================================================ Title : Infinite Skill BSP Name : Strafin5.BSP Author : Paul "Peej" James Email Address : peej@barrysworld.com Home Page : http://www.barrysworld.com/peej Misc. Author Info : Following on from Celebrity Deathmatch, I've been listening to the community and hope to have made a map which not only delivers excellent gameplay but is also something which looks slightly different from the past Strafin maps. Description : Take one Strafin map, twist the architecture into something more natural and interesting, change the connectivity so as to force barbaric confrontation, and throw in a some of rox to make things go with a bang. Additional Thanks to : Frib (www.planetquake.com/frib) for being a mate and helping with beta testing. headshot (headshot.terrafusion.com) for his textures, maps, beta testing, QBoard, etc, etc, etc. Iikka (www.planetquake.com/ikq) for the excellent IkLite and his amazing textures, where would I be without you man. Retinal (retinal.terrafusion.com) for becoming a better mapper than I could ever have imagined, being a friend, beta testing, and a whole load more I ain't got room for here. Underscore for just always being a mate, giving support, inspiration, beta testing, I owe you so much man, thanks. Everyone on the QBoard, and generally part of the custom map scene. The Barrysworld guys, thanks for doing all the shit you do, your da best. Additional Notes : strafe: v. to harass with bombs and gunfire Previous Work : 05/11/98 - Strafin4 (Q1) - Celebrity Deathmatch 20/10/98 - Strafe12 (Q1) - Strafin1-3 Megamix 03/10/98 - Strafin3 (Q1) - One Man Army 02/09/98 - Strafin2 (Q1) - Freestyle Gibbage 18/06/98 - Strafin1 (Q1) - Cunning Plan 14/05/98 - DaTower (Q2) - Peej's Towers 04/05/98 - Evil2 (Q2) - Cunning Plan 04/04/98 - Evil1 (Q2) - Evil's System 11/02/98 - PeejDM2 (Q1) - Trouble 03/01/98 - PeejDM1 (Q1) - The Funky Place ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake Single Player : Doh! Cooperative Play : No Deathmatch Play : 2-4 Difficulty Settings : No * MAP Information * New Textures : Iikka's IKBASE headshot's HEAD_MT7 Underscore's UNDMET1 Peej's PEEJ_??? Extra LIGHT : Yes VIS level 4 : Yes Transparent VIS : No (no water) Average r_speeds : 250 Maximum r_speeds : 450 * Construction * Base : Nope, new, from scratch Construction Time : Yes Build Time : Like you give a... Editor used : Worldcraft 1.5b Qutilities : QBSP, IkLite, LeetVis2 Other utilities : AdQuEdit, FixEnt Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners. You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission of the author. You MAY distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, CD, etc) as long as you contact me first, include this file intact in the original archive, and send me a free copy (if it's a CD :) Thanks. * Where to get this level * http://www.barrysworld.com/peej/strafin5.zip ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames2/levels/deathmatch/s-u/strafin5.zip http://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/idgames2/levels/deathmatch/s-u/strafin5.zip