Subterfuge - A QuakeWorld 1v1 Map - 7/9/2012 ================================================================ Title : Subterfuge Filename : subterfuge.txt (this readme file) subterfuge.bsp (the level itself) Author : foogs (aka fenris) Email Address : Web Page : Description : Tournament 1v1 QuakeWorld map ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : no Cooperative : no Deathmatch : 6 spawns Difficulty Settings : no New Sounds : no New Graphics : yes New Music : no Demos Supplied : no * Construction * Base : new level from scratch Editor(s) used : NetRadiant 1.5.0n-git-3316aca Dec 20 2010 -> Known Bugs : none Build Time : probably have more than 22 hours into this map. Texture Wad used : subterfuge.wad Compile machine : amd phenom II X3 720 @ 2.80 GHz, 4.00 GB Ram windows 7 Qbsp.exe : TreeQBSP (Version 2.05 Apr 2007) by Bengt Jardup ( Light.exe : Bengt Light Coloured (Release 2) by MH ( Wvis.exe : Multithreaded VIS For Windows ( Summary of the level ==================== This originally was supposed to be a tournament style map for both 2v2 and 1v1 but it ended up being a 1v1 map only. I made this map in the hope that it could join the ranks of aero/dm4/dm6 as a standard duel map for quakeworld. Who knows though, people 2v2 on dm4 so they could probably have a better time 2v2ing on this than dm4. The graphical theme is a base outpost type thing set in space. The map contains 2 RL, 1 GL, 1 LG, and 1 SSG. It contains 4 big rocket ammo packs and 3 big lg cell packs. It contains a RA, a YA, a GA and a MH. This is my first "fully completed release" and will probably be my last for quakeworld as I am about 10 years late anyway plus no one plays this game anymore. The layout is heavily inspired by aerowalk if not an aerowalk remix. There are the same amount of teleporters as aerowalk but the map is a little more compact. I would say a fair assessment of size would be to say that this map is in between dm4 and aerowalks size. INSTALLATION AND HOW TO PLAY ============================= INSTALL: * Unzip the archive to '' directory. You're done. The following files will be installed: * '/id1/maps/' (the map source file, optional) * '/id1/maps/subterfuge.bsp' (the compiled mapfile) * '/id1/subterfuge.txt' (this readme, optional) * '/id1/maps/subterfuge.lit' (colored lighting info) * '/id1/maps/subterfuge.wad' (the custom .wad i used, this is for editing/loading the map in radiant) * '/qw/textures/subterfuge/' (24bit textures, you need these or else this map looks like ass) * '/qw/locs/subterfuge.loc' (loc file, locations used for teamplay messages) PLAY: * You can load the map using the Quake / QW in-game console: 'map subterfuge' Hint: If you don't have a quakeworld client, get nQuake: * You can also start it from the command line of your OS: 'ezquake-gl +map subterfuge' Additonal Credits ================== - Whoever made the quake3 remake of monsoon is responsible for all of the textures except the sky texture. - The sky texture was made by foogs - Shout out to sane / lithium / sqn-n1bbler / cyan / myth / mael / r4 / aoki. Without you guys I would have never gotten any good at this game and this map probably wouldn't have ever gotten made. - Shout out to the current NA QuakeWorld scene. - I jacked the formatting and some content for this readme from Spirit/Aardappel - Shout out to the #cpm22/#avilo crew. You're all ballers except mafdawg. - BJ for the compilers I used - STEEK for letting me use his server for uploading and testing. This helped immensely. - Special thanks to JAMAL of #cpm22/#avilo fame. Without you my maps would have been completely terrible. JAMAL may have actually put in half the time just helping test/critque than it took to actually build this map. Copyright / Permissions ======================== This level is (c) by foogs (2012). The source files of this map (the .map-files made by me, NOT THE TEXTURES AND ASSETS!) are published under the GPL license and may be freely distributed. See for the full GNU General Public License. Hit me up if you remake this map or use ideas from it, would love to hear about it.