Title : Trial Base Filename : TBase.bsp Author : Gareth 'Nonny' Beynon Email Address : Nonny69@Hotmail.com Description : Q1 Dm level Other maps : Toasty2, Nonny's Base, Trial1,2&3 * Play Information * Single Player : To take a gander Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Player load : around 6-12 max. Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Quest 2.21 Known Bugs : Nope. Compile time : Dont know Build Time : Too long. * Credits/Thanks * Everyone in the world but mostly id software. * Author * Name : Gareth Beynon E-mail: Nonny69@Hotmail.com Alias : Nonny * Feedback * Please feel free to email me with comments on the map. This is the first one Ive posted as I usually only play in LAN parties during work. If this gets well recieved then I may be persuaded to put more up. * Copyright / Permissions * Editors my NOT use this map as a base to start a new map You may distribute this level as long as you include this text file and give me credit, also e-mail me saying what your doing with it.