================================================= Title: The One File: the_1.bsp Author: Chris Rhodes, Adrian Desi & David Desi Email Address: predator@the.plan.net Description: Deathmatch only map. Contains no secrets. Inspiration: * Weekend with nothing better to do Credits: * id Software for the game. :) It rules! ============================================================= Play Information Single Player What for? Cooperative: Boring! Capture the Flag: We're not desparate! Deathmatch: Yes, you bet! New Sounds: No, We like the old ones New Graphics: No babes :( New Music: Yes, if you put in a new CD. ============================================================= Construction Base: None Editor: Worldcraft 1.1a Know Bugs: None Build Time: 7 hours ============================================================= Copyright / Permissions Copyright (c) 1997 Clan Gib Monkey & Clan Do. All rights reserved. This level may be electronically distributed only at no charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way. This text file must be included with the level. This level may NOT be included in any commercial compilations. =============================================================