================================================================ Title : UKPak3 - The Stagnant Base BSP Name : UKPAK3.BSP Author : John "DaMaul" McCann Email Address : pantera@postmaster.co.uk Home Page : http://www.replicant.demon.co.uk/quake.htm Misc. Author Info : 18 Year old student from Chelmsford, England. Originally from Canterbury. Had a brief stint in Liverpool. Lacks all his vital organs and survives through pure chance alone. Description : A large teamplay deathmatch map. I *promise* you that once you learn the layout it will not seem as big as it does at first. Gameplay notes : * The layout of this map owes quite heavily to DM3. This is not blatant plagiarism, it was a conscious design decision to make the map appeal to people who play solely the original id maps. It's also got a couple of areas influenced by Slayer's UKCLDM2, included for the same reasons. Also because I liked them. * The map is divided into 2 halves via the gift of a central atrium (the DM3 style bit). An easy method of remembering this layout is to imagine them like the "East-side" and "West-side" of the USA. In order to travel from one half to the other you have to go through the central area, which you could refer to as "The Garden of Ishra", or travel through the 2 sacred teleporters of Damocles. (I'm not being serious). * Your clan should definitely "Ride for the West-Side", or in other words, you should camp the west side of the map, which contains Quad, RL, 2 x YA & SNG. * The "East-Side" contains another RL, and the RA, but it is more spread out, and will prove harder to "lay the smack down" on all the "Homies" in this "Hood". * You have to press a button to reveal the Quad & Pent. You should be able to figure this out yourself. * If you fall in the lower slime pit, you must climb out via the gift of a ladder. You climb the ladder by walking into it (unlike real ladders). You can use this rhyme to make recalling this tactic easier: "When in the slime, Climb" * There is a secret door connecting the lower SNG to another corridor, which I forgot to mark. You should be able to uncover. its location by performing a "Drive-by Shooting" on all the corridors, with the help of your "Bro's" of course! Additional Thanks to : All the UKPak team. And all the beta testers. Previous Work : July '98 - DaMaul1 (Q1dm) - Oblivion September '99 - DaMaul2 (Q1dm) - Reign in Blood February '99 - DaMaul3 (Q1sp) - Suicide Nation February '99 - DaMaul4 (Q1dm) - The Burning Darkness ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Quake Single Player : Yes, for cruising the 'hood. Cooperative Play : This map supports 1 player co-operative play. Deathmatch Play : 8-16 (17 Start points) Difficulty Settings : No Items : 2 of each weapon. 1 Green, 1 Red, 2 Yellow Armours. 1 of each power-up. ================================================================ * MAP Information * New Textures : The Ukpak logos courtesy of Peej Iikka's IKBASE Headshot's HEAD_MT8 And various others stolen from Unreal/Quake2 courtesy of Aardappel Transparent VIS : No, because in some places i used the teleport texture to lower r_speeds. And also because transparent water is fecking cheating. Average r_speeds : 250 Maximum r_speeds : 500 ================================================================ * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Construction Time : About 20 minutes for all 3 build programs. Build Time : Was about 1 1/2 earth months in the making. I reckon it was about 40-50 hours total work, or maybe less. Editor used : Worldcraft 1.6 Qutilities : QBSP, IkLite, Vis Other utilities : MipDip, FixEnt Music listened to during map creation : Entombed, Paradise Lost, Tool, Slayer, Pitchshifter, & the "Essex FM Club-Cut-Countdown" Beverages consumed : Coffee Foodstuffs indulged upon: Nice & Spicy pot noodle, Heinz Tomato Soup, Toast, Spar Chicken Curry, and Pro Plus Caffeine "Supplements". And "Oatso-Simple". Animals Sacrificed : Lambs, Stoats, and Bears. Mantras Chanted : "Om". Theorems Solved : Fermat's last ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners. You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without explicit permission of the author. You MAY distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, CD, etc) as long as you contact me first, include this file intact in the original archive, and send me a free copy (if it's a CD :) Thanks. ================================================================ * Where to get this level * http://www.barrysworld.com/ukpak/ukpak.zip ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames2/levels/deathmatch/s-u/ukpak.zip http://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/idgames2/levels/deathmatch/s-u/ukpak.zip