Released: 15/02/99 ================================================== Title : UKPAK8 (Vicious Companions) Filename : UKP8.bsp Author : Paul Cowell Quake Nick : Biggus Clan : Dark Preachers Email Address : Home page : Description : Level designed for the UKPAK project ( Additional Credits to : Worlcraft Creators,ID Software & Tim Wright for ArghLite : The rest of the UKPAK team, especially Aardappel and Porky : who set the ball rolling on this project. : I'd also like to thank my family, god, my manager.....blah,blah : blah.... ================================================== * Play Information * Game : Quake Registered 1.06 or higher Map Name : UKP8 Single Player : If you want, bit boring though :o) Co-op : no Deathmatch : Yes, 11 Deathmatch Starts Difficulty Settings : no ================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Editor used : WorldCraft 1.6a Construction time : Didn't keep track, but does anyone really care :) GLQuake yes : Map vised for transparent water Known bugs : none (yet :) ================================================== CPU :Pentium2 300Mhz Ram :96megs SDRAM ================================================== Comments You may notice tearing on the stair trim in the red armour room, this seems to be somthing to do with them being Func_illusionarys. I chose to ignore this slight glitch rather than make them solids as this avoids the stop start effect you get when you run off trim onto steps. In GLQuake for some reason the pent looks very dark, dunno why, but appears fine in GLQuakeworld. The HTML Plan view is 1 revision out of date, the pent moved 90 degree's round corner. Havn't updated pic because 1. Not a big enough change to warrant it 2. Truth is I couldn't be arsed :)) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. And it must not be sold, without permission from the author. You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. ___________________________________________________________________ Other maps from my past available from my website Fatal Hesitation Domin Nation Domin Nation2 Under Siege Hysteria Qffldm4 Qffldm5 QfflXmas