'Unfinshed Project' - February 1999 (release date) ================================================================ Title : Unfinished Project Filename : unfin.txt (this readme file) unfin.bsp (the level itself) Author : Stargazer (Timur Lazaerenko) Email Address : strgazer@quake.ru Web Page : www.chat.ru/~strgazer Description : DM for 2-6 players Additional Credits to : Id for Quake1 Qoole makers. Excessus and Aardappel, wich are my texturing ideals. Also Headshot for Agenda - best map ever made. Pingu for his A2, UKPAK7. Tyran who show need to use power of spotlights. And to crazy guy: Rocketman - I love play long duel on his maps. And many other mappers - their maps inspire me mapping. Maps by author : 'Unfinished Project' - unfin.bsp (Q1) this crazy map - my first 'Dream's Music' - dmusic.bsp (Q1) 'Violence' - violence.bsp (Q1) ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Gib the sun ... Cooperative : .. together with you rocket launcher Deathmatch : FFA 2-6 Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : textures from ikbase.wad New Music : You will hear it, when play direct link with you friend. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Qoole, baby with entity placement bugs Known bugs : Bugs Everywhere! I didn't know what is texture aligment : So, it is my first map ever made. Looks Terrible, But gameplay is very fun (even with bots) Build Time : about 2 days Texture Wad used : quake.wad + ikbase.wad (maybe other?) Summary of the level ==================== This map ispired by Headshot's Agenda. I decided to make a map with similar layout, but I never made any maps before. So you see what I get. Try to play it - it's very fun. I know, you will laught very loud, Hehe! I decided to publish it, just for interest to know, what you think about gameplay on it. Is it realy fun or no??? ============================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Anyone can distribute this BSP in any way they want, as long as this text file is distributed with it. Stargazer aka Timur Lazarenko