================================================================ Title: Wheel of Time Arena Filename: wot.bsp Author: lurker Email Address: lurker@your-house.com Description: An arena-style map based loosely on Legend Entertainment's wonderful game Wheel of Time. Thanks to: id software (www.idsoftware.com) Legend Entertainment (http://www.legendent.com ; http://www.wheeloftime.com/) El Chicoverde (http://www.planetunreal.com/chicoverde/) Stecki Iikka Keranen (www.planetquake.com/ikq ; http://www.digital-eel.com/surface/) Ty Matthews, Neal White III (http://www.telefragged.com/wally/) Yahn Bernier Bengt Jardrup (http://user.tninet.se/~xir870k/) Tyrann (www.planetquake.com/tyrann) Riot (http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~ejlasota/radiosity/) ================================================================ * Play Information * Game: Quake(1) Single Player: no Co-op: no Deathmatch: yes, 3-8 players recommended (10 starts) Weapons: One of each. Armor: Two green, one red. Powerups: None. ================================================================ * Construction * Base: none; from scratch. Editor used: BSP Other Programs: Wally treeqbspjdp tyrvis q1rad Textures: El Chicoverde's Ruins set Sky is from Stecki's DeConstruct .wad Dirt is from Iikka Keranen's IK2K texture set All textures in this level remain property of their respective owners. Known bugs: Some of the textures are not properly aligned. Given the choice between getting the map done properly and getting the map done on time, I chose to meet the deadline of the contest. Hopefully I won't be so lazy next time ;) In some GL executables, some walls seem to have hairline cracks in them. Setting "gl_keeptjunctions 1" in the console will stop this, but the game will run slower. ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * You may not charge money for this map. You may use Quake to play a game in this map. You may send this map to a friend. You may delete this map.