================================================================= Title : Would You ... Um? Filename : RWOULDYOU.bsp Author : Tony Gowland [EmCee] Email Address : emceetg@geocities.com Description : A fairly small map, but with enough guns for healthy carnage. Also try getting the Pentagram of Protection - you're in for a surprise. The reason that there's not too much detail in the rooms is because there are some pretty high r_speeds in different places. Future Plans : I have no idea. More levels, natch. Additional Credits to : id, Worldcraft Have a look at my homepage: http://come.to/TIGU ================================================================= * Play Information * Game : Quake Start Map : Would You ... Um? Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : About 12 starts. But that would be a mental game. Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : The textures are from the original Quake, along with various others taken from the expasion packs, and WADs taken from PlanetQuake. Demos Replaced : No * Construction * Build Date : 9. Jan 99 Build Time : About 8 - 9 hours to create it, and about 2 minutes to light and VIS. Editor(s) used : Worldcraft V1.6 QBSP, LIGHT, rVIS Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * I'd rather people didn't try reverse-engineering this map, but obviously I can't stop it. Treat my baby with care, and it will give you much joy. Anyone can distribute this BSP in any way they want, as long as this text file is distributed with it. * Where to get this map * Ummm. No idea. From me, would be my first guess. Mail me and I'll send you a copy. Except that you must already have a copy to have this text file. Now there's something to think about.