Title : XL Dust File Name : xl1dm2.bsp Author : Graeme "ProdigyXL" Timmins E-Mail : pault@modempool.com Homepage : http://www.modempool.com/pault Describtion : Quake I Deathmatch level Author work : You can find my all of my 10 other maps at my site, http://www.modempool.com/pault Additional Credits : Id software, of course of course Christoph "Gonzo" Werner for beta testing this puppy, check his site at http://gonzomatic.telefragged.com Thomas "Moloch" Rasmussen for beta testing. Vigilante for some beta testing, check his site at http://www.clanworld.com/team-cotv Paulous from MPQ for some great feedback ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : YES CTF : No Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes - Some of Headshot's fine Quake I textures. Demos Replaced : None Players : About 2 - 5 is great. Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.6 Known Bugs : None as of now, always looking :) Build Time : Too long, (about 1 month :/ ) Texture Wad used : Light blue and tan brick textures Compile machine : Pentium2 266 64 RAM Place this map in your drive:\quake\id1\maps directory. My second Quake I map and I must say I think its my best piece yet. It I think is one of my more orignal texture choices in some cases but thats my opinion. I would like to thank all my beta testers as they proved to be the most important part of making this map. Check it out and don't be afriad to e-mail me at pault@modempool.com Oh and thanks for downloading this :) * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright Notice: If you want to slap this on a CD, e-mail me first and let me know so I can give a yes or a no. If you had to pay to get this level, you are getting ripped off. Thats it :)