Title : XL Forever Nightmare File Name : xl1dm5.bsp Author : Graeme "ProdigyXL" Timmins E-Mail : pault@modempool.com Homepage : http://www.planetquake.com/xl Describtion : Quake I Deathmatch level Author work : You can find my other work at my homepage. Additional Credits : Id software, of course of course Tyran for his Trylite The guys behind Worldcraft Kaiser, Bal, and Frib for there beta testing help. You guys really helped alot, thanks much John Fitzgibbons for sexy textures ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : YES CTF : No Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Demos Replaced : None Players : 1 on 1 is good and 4 player FFAs are furiously fun. Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.6 Known Bugs : None Build Time : Approx. 2 Months, maybe a little less then that. Texture Wad used : Some Kingpin, and jf1.wad to spice it up Compile machine : Pentium2 266 64 RAM Place this map in your drive:\quake\id1\maps directory. After lots of hard work, a couple Mappers Diary's at Peej n' Fribs, a few leaks here and there, XL Forever Nightmare is finally in your hands. I hope you enjoy the layout and gameplay above everything else as I am pretty confident this is my best map for Quake 1. * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright Notice: If you want to slap this on a CD, e-mail me first and let me know so I can give a yes or a no. If you had to pay to get this level, you are getting ripped off. Thats it :)