Title : YrMom Filename : yrmom.bsp Date : 10/27/97 Author : Jeff Blaine Email Address : jblaine@shore.net * Play Information * Single Player : No (There is a single player start entity though) Cooperative : No Deathmatch : 2 or 3 players best (4 DM starts) New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Installation * 1. If you don't already have one, create a directory under QUAKE\ID1 called MAPS 2. Place yrmom.bsp in QUAKE\ID1\MAPS 3. Start Quake. Bring down the console with the tilde (~) key. 4. Type the following in the console and hit ENTER: map yrmom * Construction * Base : None. Level from scratch. Tools used : BSP .85b and .86b, YAHNQBSP.EXE, ArghLite.EXE, and RVis.EXE Known Bugs : Please report any to jblaine@shore.net Map Building Time : About 30 hours * Copyright / Permissions * If any distribution is to happen via floppy diskette, Internet FTP or WWW sites, BBS, etc, you must distribute both of the unaltered files named yrmom.bsp and yrmom.txt. I repeat, the filenames may NOT be changed, and the file contents may not be altered. This Quake level (yrmom.bsp) MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED ON ANY CD-ROM unless the CD-ROMs are given away freely.