Original Release: 1/1/97 Just in time for the New Year. Maranatha! Updated Release: 2/1/97 Wow, I lived another month! ================================================================ Title : Idaho Filename : BigIdaho.bsp Author : Nate Herron (Mr.Potato Head) Proud member of Clan Erinyes Email Address : nate_h@msn.com (feel free to give me your comments) Description : A Happy Team Fortress Level Major thanks go to : Jesus, from whom all blessings flow! Ares and Hellbinder for enduring my updates. Robin and John for enduring my emails. :) (Update: All the TF players out there who gave me suggestions, ideas, and comments in Quake World. Thank You God once again that this level actually works! You're too good to this ego-maniacal guy!) To be used with TEAM FORTRESS v2.11 or higher. http://www.telefragged.com (I love Thred!) Check out the Thred homepage at: http://www.visi.com/~jlowell/thred ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : You can try Cooperative : Go ahead try Deathmatch : I dare you to try (no deathmatch starting points) Team Fortress : That's it! You got it! * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Thred, TF-EntEd Known Bugs : Ants, Cockroaches, Potato Bugs (my favorite), many more I could name.... Build Time : An extremely long time. You guys who can build a level in 20 hours, you're amazing! Texture Wad used : Just Wizard I think, that's why it's not very team specific...Sorry. Maybe I'll fix that later. (Update: Well, I didn't fix that. hehe) Compile machine : Cyrix 6x86 P150+ 32M Ram QBSP Time : 22 minutes 23 seconds Light Time : 5602 seconds VIS Time : 16227 seconds Brushes : 1207 Entities : 258 Models : 31 (Update: At least 45 but I forgot to check) * Other Info * Idaho is a TeamFortress Level designed for two teams. It is a capture the flag style map. The player who captures the flag gets 10 FRAGS. All the players on his team are rewarded with 5 FRAGS. That team also gets a TEAMSCORE of 10 points. Hopefully this will lead to more team play and strategy being implemented, as was originally intended. Idaho has some neat crushing ceilings (which are triggered by cruel, mean players), some useful flashing alert lights (which come on when the stronghold is being invaded from the "wheel-basement"), some docile volcanos, some rising cages, some mercy and peace, and some goodwill to all. Now that's something. :-) Basic Strategy: In order to capture the flag you must get into the opponent's stronghold. To do this you must either go down and across through the basement (which sets off the alert light, "Oh no!"), or you must drop into one of the volcanos on your opponent's side. This will trigger the opening of the stronghold gate which is at the end of the raised wooden platform. Run across that platform and barge your opponent's flag. You can also drop into the bases from above if you'd like. That's always fun. Once you have the flag you must take it to the middle of the sniper loft which is on your side of the field. Of course, to get up there you have to use one of the side teleporters which are on your OPPONENT'S side of the field. **UPDATE INFORMATION** This version of Idaho fixes the little glitches found in the original. The volcano teleporters now work fine which should add a whole new dimension to the level as you're used to it. Also, there are now 5 ways to get into the enemy stronghold where before there were only 3 functional ways. I also added some new rooms with special items in there to liven up your wanderings. **NOTE** All of the Mercy, Peace, etc. stuff in this level is there for IRONIC HUMOR. It is not there as an attempt on my part to subtly indoctrinate you all (that's what the HIDDEN SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES throughout the level are for.... In fact, even as you read this text file you are being secretly influenced to email me your credit card numbers and bank statements.) I simply thought it would be humorous to run around slaughtering each other in such a nice, quiet, peaceful place. Plus, I'm a Christian and I like that stuff. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels, just let me know. * THRED LICENSE INFORMATION * This map was made with Thred. It is acceptable to distribute this map over the Internet and BBS systems for free. It is not acceptable to play this map on a commercial Internet server. It is also not acceptable to charge for this map in any way or charge for distribution of this map. This includes CD-ROM collections of all kinds.