================================================================ Title : Orbital Battle Filename : station2 Author : Jason the Rat (aka Rateye [LoL]) Email Address : Demonrat@hotmail.com Description : Teamfortress map, 2 teams battle it out in opposing space stations, trying to capture and destroy each other's power cores. *SEE BELOW FOR DETAILS* ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes (Teamfortress) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (a lot of new textures) New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Worldcraft Known Bugs (features dammit!): Several nasty textures that refuse to align no matter how much I try to make them :P Build Time : Don't ask * Other Info * This map plays like a standard ctf map with a few exceptions... To capture their core (flag) you have to first hit the button in their control room... this is the huge room with all the screens (VERY hard to miss), it's also a choke point so you'll have to go through it unless they're willing to toggle their elevator for you... once you've hit their button, their core will be exposed for 4 minutes, before it closes again. You should to make sure that the button is down before running upstairs to their flag, it's not much fun to get there and realize you can't get it... Also another thing, the elevators can only be operated by that base's team, but engineers on either team can toggle the elevators remotely from the control rooms If this is the first time you're playing the map, i STRONGLY suggest you go blue... that base is fully lit and has maps in the respawn rooms... the red base is very dark and easy to get lost in at first... The resupplys work a little differently than you would expect... the backpacks containing armor, health, and ammo can be picked up by anyone, on either team, but the grenades can only be picked up by your team. The explosives room contains mostly class-specific grenades, you can get a full load of emps every 4 seconds, mirvs every 15 seconds, 1 nail gren every 15 seconds and a detpack every 30... i didn't want people spraying the area with nails, sorry soldiers... you can always get grens in the rocket boxes Err... that's about it, enjoy :)