**** This map designed for the TeamFortress v2.1 quakeC mod **** 3.3.97 ================================================================ Title : TF Wars 1 Filename : TF_Wars1 Author : Hannu Hurme "FM_Falconna" Email Address : pekka.hurme@dlc.fi Description : TeamFortress v2.1 Quake Map Additional Credits to : Makers of TF and WorldCraft Check out the TeamFortress homepage at: http://www.telefragged.com/teamfortress ================================================================ * Play Information * This map does not work properly without the TeamFortress v2.1 QuakeC patch, which can be downloaded from http://www.telefragged.com/teamfortress or from ftp.cdrom.com Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch (2-16) : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : WorldCraft 1.1a, Edit, EntEd Known Bugs : None Build Time : 20 hours * Other Info * This is my first TF map and also my first Quake map so this wont probaply be "perfect". Idea in this map is to capture other teams flag and take it to the drop off point in your own base, or... just frag people :). To get the flag (key) you must shoot button below the outside arena, which will push out a slope to the flag room. Meanwhile someone else must shoot button at the opposite teams fortress'es wall to open bars... then you just grap that flag get it to your base and you will got ten frags + 15 secs of quad damage. Both teams also have two resupply backpacks. Just beware when you go and grap it, the other sides resupply room will be just on the other side of that flag room. Getting fragged by sniper (or by anything else) just before getting that backpack, is not fun... -FM_Falconna p.s. I live in Finland so my english writing "skills" are not as superb as I hope (Read: hope you can read that text above).