This map was designed for Team Fortress v2.8/2.9 ================================================================ Title : The Tower [v1.0] Filename : thetower.bsp Author : Orion [Eddie Wong] Email Address : Additional Credits to : Jason B. (Insanity) Thanks to these NZTFers : Insanity, Atomic, Hellhound, GiB2BiTS, Mr. Manson, Flammable, Silva, Venus THanks to these people : Stef and Mike (and Metallica) Additional Notes : The 'tower' referenced here is a 'tower' of people, not an actual level comprised of a 'tower'. Go figure. (See below for further details) ================================================================ * Play Information * This map does not work properly without the Team Fortress v2.8 or higher QuakeC patch. Team Fortress : Sort of (limited to one team) No. of Teams : One (Blue) Max Players : 32 Single Player : For looking around Cooperative : Team Fortress Co-op Mode only Deathmatch (2-16) : No Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Models : No New Textures : Yes New Music : No (but plays CD Track 4) Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 1.6, EntEd 2.0 Build Time : 3 hours Known Bugs : One of the backpacks doesn't supply any health when you use it. I know how to fix this problem, but I honestly can't be f*cked fixing it. 8) * Build Info * QBSP : 1.0 second, full Light : 8.0 seconds, full RVis : 61.0 seconds, level 4 ======================= Installation =================== This archive contains 2 files: * Thetower.bsp - Place it in \quake\fortress\maps * Thetower.txt - You're reading it now. ======================= Game Play ======================= This TeamFortress map was made specifically for TGTOATFIP (The Great Tower Of Assorted Team Fortress Items Project), therefore normal TF gameplay (CTF) is not possible as there is only provision for one team, and no team objectives. For info regarding TGTOATFIP, contact Insanity. ========================================================= * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY NOT use this map for commercial projects without my permission. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. Eddie "Orion" Wong January 1999 Updated May 2002