11/3/97 SINGLE PLAYER QUAKE LEVEL ======================================================================================= Title :House of jilted boys (yes, I like Prodigy...) Filename :BARIO2.zip Author :BARIO E-mail :bario1@iol.zip Misc. Author info :part-time chemistry student , full-time Quakeplayer :-) description :single player Quake level Credits :MEXX !!!!!( 1/2 of my work is really his stuff...) Steve Rescoe for building the greatest map ever thought and for making modified mdls included in my level Mark Wheeler for making the amazing wad file "markswad.wad" The guy who made the demon mdl (whoever he is, he kicks asses !!!) Peggy gates for designing newfish4.mdl (see apologies) Everyone who helped me on #quake (IRCnet) Pat Morita for kind supporting (hey pal, I'm still waiting for Hokuto No Ken song's translation !!!) my friend Gianpreo for betatesting Ben Morris for w.c. !!! :-) last but not least : the miracoulus Idsoftware for creating THE game !!!!! Apologies :I'm really sorry about the fish model I include in my map,but I found it really cool and I didn't manage to send a mail (cause on the .txt there was no e-mail) to peggy gatesto ask her/his permission I guess Peggy gates denies permission to all those ones who would use her/his (I think Peggy is a female name) stuff for getting profit.... I won't, my map is absolutely free stuff (but I think nobody would really pay something for it :-)) so Mrs/Ms Peggy Gates , whoever and wherever u are, please forgive me (I hate Brian Adams...) ======================================================================================== * Play info * Single : yes (syrictly thought for it) coop : yes (not tested,but if it works ,it should be funny...) dm : yes (not tested,but really not suggested,even if it works) difficulty settings : yes (I tryed...) new sound : no new graphic : yes,not made by me new mdl : yes,just someone made by me, I imported all the others demos : no * Building info * base :new level from my mind :-) qbsp :about 10 mins light extra :about 10 mins vis level 4 :about too much (more than 5 hours...) Installation :unzip the.zip file in a directory call bario and launch quake in this way : quake -game bario +map bario2 or, if u want to play at a difficult different from normal,than launch : quake -game bario , and type at the console "map bario2" (without "") bugs :none that I know: please report all u say (see below) bugs 2 :errrhhh....yes, I know there are some "walkmonster in wall" but I can swear that the most of them appeared after the last compiling, just after I made some small change I didn't immaginate being able to made those bad things... Those bugs are really dued to the complexity of the map (lot of time while building I have message MAX_NUM_PLANES from qbsp,it means that my map is too complex for the program to be built so I have reduce drastically the dimension of the map and remove some rooms and a lot of brushes...it's very sad.... so the errors probably came from the bad reading of the qbsp about some brushes... My original project included,together with a greater number of rooms, a total replacement of monster : I would have used mangababe,bazookababe,spider,blarg,and goblin, but when I made an attempt to compile it,with the modified monsters, qbsp didn't manage to compile the same map it compiled 3 mins ago, with only change of I put different monsters in the map (whoever has seen a map file, knows that putting different monsters just means to change the name of the monsters in the place they are written, without modifying in anyway the architectural structure of the level...)I tryed 5 kinds of qbsp with the same results... than I resigned to use just new mdls... However I think Rescoes mdls are really cool, so finally it didn't reveal an unhappy choice... That's why I can say that perhaps those mistakes didn't depend at 100% on my foolness... Wad and mdls :I used a mix of quakewads and new wads: I got those one from markswad.wad,cztex.wad and some textures extracted from the really cool map janitor (janitor1.zip) and even someone from the map daplanet (I think just the lava in the last room...) I used new models stolen from the shadow.zip file made by S.Rescoe; the goblin model stolen from the goblin.zip (I don't think using only the mdl is a very kind action , so I apologize with Jim Rowley, designer of the mdl and writer of the .qc I wasn't able to include in my level)and I used a model for the demon which I don't know nothing about who wrote it,and I used a modified (by me !) mdl of hell kinght taken mdl of hell kinght taken (I'm really sorry about it but I really didn't like the face...) from "wheel of time quake" partial convertions (thanx also to those who made this one....I also modified the original ogre mdl... I hope u'll like it... *copyright/permission* I think u can do all u want with my level... I have better think to do than hunt map-thieves throughout the net or denouncing guys that could be 12 hours of fuse distant by me,for...for... for what ???? brush-stealing ???? cops will probaly suggest me to buy a comb ... :-) I think the final result of this work is not so bad, I think it's better than my first map and I think it could be a funny game...if u disagree , well u can tell me I'm a dork... but if u agree u may send me an e-mail just to tell me what u think about it.. enjoy it... BARIO