The Arena's of Might ======================================================================= Title : The Arena's of Might Filename : mightarenas.bsp Author : Justin, Kaepora Gaepora Email Address : Description : Your a meer weekling, but God has chosen you to do his biding. He sends you to this well which seals all evil below, and the forces of nature. Once you return from your Quest to gain more power you shall be the strongest warrior in the world. You must enter sacred arenas of Elements and duel with creatures of horde power. You'll go through Fire, Water, Dark, Light, Death, Life, etc. until you reach the beautiful image of God. This map is beta, it only includes the 1st Fire Arena, there will constantly be updates, but the next copy should be the final version. Good Luck. ======================================================================= | Play Information | Single Player : Yep Cooperative : Not Really, isn't fun or worth it. Deathmatch : Yep, later on.(Good for Axe 1 on 1s) Difficulty Settings : Normal difficulty really. New Sounds : No New Graphics : Nope, just the mission paks and Id's Textures. New Music : Nope Strategy : Work your way through the arena's to prove your worth. | Construction | Base : Made from scratch. Program(s) : Quake and Worldcraft 1.6a Bugs : None I know of, let me know if you find any. Build Time : About 7 hours. Texture Wads : Textures from Rogue, Hipnotic, Id's Tex, and Zerstorer. | Comments | : This level was a inspiration from Zelda temples and Fantasy games. This 1st version of my map only includes the first arena, Arena of Fire. The next version of my map that will be released will be complete will all arenas and features. Hopefully when the level is completed I will start a clan, and a member must go through the arena using only weaker weapons. Well thats along way from being complete yet, so back to work on the map I go. | Copyright / legal stuff | Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels, just me credit where its due. This BSP may be distributed freely over the Internet and/or BBS systems as long as this text file is included with the mightarenas.bsp file. No one is authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my written permission. Email me with comments, questions, criticism, or suggestions. This level is Copyright © Justin, Kaepora Gaepora, 1999. Quake is Copyright © id software Textures Copyright © Rogue, Hipnotic, Id Software, and Zerstorer =======================================================================