First Release:5/10/98 ================================================== Title : The Grinding of Teeth - Filename :Tspe.bsp Author : Rudolf Kremers, Story by Mr. Shambler (Http:// Email Address : Description : Like the title suggests: The single player version of my level: The Grinding of Teeth. :) Additional Credits to : J. Bravo, Bal, Xori, Shambler for his unwavering support and storyline, Fat Controller, KJ and whoever I forgot. David Ottvall for the sky texture Matt Ayres and Paul Hsu for qoole. Yahn W. Bernier for BSP Francis for her support. ID Software of course. =================================================== * Play Information * Game : Quake Registered 1.01 or higher Map Name : The Grinding of Teeth - Single Player Edition Single Player : Yessiree! Co-op : Yes Deathmatch : Try the dm version of this level. Difficulty Settings : Sure Additional Info : Previous levels : Vendetta!, The Grinding of Teeth, Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? ================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Editor used : Qoole and BSP Construction time : 2 months Known bugs : Did you know that the powder of a dried Praying Mantis can be a powerful aphrodisiac wgen smoked? ================================================== * Other * EMAIL ME YOUR COMMENTS PLEASE!!!!! * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. And it must not be sold, without permission from the author. You MAY distribute this BSP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact and charge no money for it.