Juli 10,2007 ====================================================================== Filname :768_rudl.bsp Mapname :tower of droles Author: : rudl (Rudolf Pöschko) E-mail :rudolf89@edumail.at website : rudl.quaddicted.com SP: : Yes skill selection :Yes: easy/normal/hard (0,1,2) Dm : No Map works with :Enchanced glquake/Joequake/qrack/Darkplaces ======================================================================= *INSTALLATION/RERQUIREMENTS:* This map requires the Quoth expansion pack (http://kell.leveldesign.org/quoth/quoth.html) 1)the rar-file should contain: /source/rudl_768.qkm /maps/rudl_768.bsp /textures/fl_st_m2a.tga /rtex018x.tga /rtex160.tga /rudl_768.txt /autoexec.cfg 2)Copy the folders in your quoth dictionary 3)Make sure that your engine supports external textures (gl_externaltextures_world "1" Joequake/qrack gl_exttex "1" Enchanced glquake) 4)Make sure that your engine supports transparent stuff 5)commandline: glquake -game quoth +map rudl_768 +skill x *Special notes:* 1)This map was made for the vertical map competiton in June/July 2007 2)I tried to merge existing texture themes to create something completely new. Used textures: ogro.wad kell.wad nehahra.wad malice textures HexenII textures ik_base.wad zerstörer.wad !some of the textures are modified! *CONSTRUCTION:* map editors used: QuArK 6.5 alpha 8 then QuArK 6.3 final (alpha version was too buggy) editors used to modify textures paint, irfan-view compiling machine: Celeron 700 light option: -etp -extra4 build time: allthogether about 7 min SPECIAL THANKS TO: Orl for betatesting Orl and The Silent for final-betatesting Spirit for web-hosting and some very useful advice (for my first map) aguirRe for his great tools (http://user.tninet.se/~xir870k/) the creators of QuArK (http://quark.planetquake.gamespy.com/credits.php3)