________________________________________________________________________________ FORWARDS COMPATIBLE In the style of my very old sp map LTHSP2 Backwards Compatible comes this new half-assed release that isn't properly finished by I found on my hard disk. Enjoy. And don't enter the silver key zone without finding the nailgun, or you'll be sorry. ________________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION & LOADING Unzip the zip file into a new subdirectory under your Quake directory. Run your favourite Quake engine with -game thedirectory ________________________________________________________________________________ COPYRIGHT All stuff by me copyright me. All stuff by other people copyright them. QC source and .map source included for you to fiddle with. Steal and reproduce at your own peril. Please give a link to my site if you do. Otherwise, enjoy. ________________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT Get me on kendrick.curtis@gmail.com. Visit http://www.random-productions.co.uk/quake/ for random (and sparse) Quake stuff. ________________________________________________________________________________ ADVERT randomviolence is a tactical combat boardgame by me. It costs £15 + p&p. check it out here: http://www.randomviolence.net